TTEMA Airway Course

TTEMA presents the 2020 Airway course dates on the 21st and 24th March, 2020. The flyer, inclusive of details on the course and payment has been attached below for your convenience.

 Payment options include:

  1. Cash
  2. Cheque
  3. Bank Draft
  4. Online Payment
  5. Direct Deposit

If you would like to pay by Direct Deposit or online, please follow the steps outlined below:


1.          Pay into the TTEMA Republic Bank Account online or by visiting any branch of Republic Bank. The bank account details are:


·         Account Name: Trinidad & Tobago Emergency Medicine Association

·         Account Number:  260801755001

2.       Scan your receipt from the bank, or proof of transfer of funds.



Payments can be made at the bank or to Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, building 14, 3rd floor, room 302 (Ms Oli-Ann Atkinson).